Don't Worry About Security Until Its Too Late


Proactively prioritizing security is paramount to prevent unfortunate outcomes. Employing appropriate security tools can be the pivotal factor in alerting you to indicators that might otherwise elude your detection. Presented below is a compilation of reliable tools and resources that I personally endorse for safeguarding. However, it’s essential to note that while these tools are invaluable aids, they should be regarded as supplements to your own investigative efforts. Relying solely on any tool is ill-advised, as due diligence and research are ongoing requirements.



A hardware wallet is a tangible device designed to securely store the private keys of your cryptocurrency holdings offline. This fortified layer of protection shields your private keys from internet-associated vulnerabilities, even during transaction processing.

Adblock Plus

Adblock Plus

This tool proficiently obstructs intrusive pop-ups and conceals deceitful advertisements that pose security risks.

Wallet Guard

Wallet Guard

Among open-source browser extensions, Wallet Guard stands out as an advanced solution. It adeptly identifies potential scams and wallet-draining threats before they can compromise your wallet's integrity.

Pocket Universe

Pocket Universe

An invaluable browser extension, Pocket Universe actively preserves the security of your assets during web3 transaction sign-ins.

Revoke Cash

Revoke Cash

Regularly employing is a prudent measure. Pragmatically restrict approvals when not actively engaging with a decentralized application (dapp), particularly within NFT marketplaces. This strategy curbs exposure to hacking and exploitation risks, while also diminishing susceptibility to phishing scams.



Functioning as both a cryptocurrency wallet and a gateway to blockchain applications, MetaMask facilitates quick exploration of the blockchain realm. It boasts a user base exceeding 30 million worldwide, exemplifying its trustworthiness.

Delegate Cash

Delegate Cash

Elevate the safety of your on-chain identity by linking wallets. This action secures vaulted NFTs and ERC20 tokens, enabling the claiming of airdrops, token ownership verification, and more from your hot wallet.



For unlocking digital asset ownership, SAFE stands as the preeminent decentralized custody protocol and collective asset management platform within the Ethereum and EVM ecosystem.



The Efani SAFE plan is a bespoke cybersecurity-focused mobile service protecting high-risk individuals against mobile hacks. We provide the best in class protection with 11-layers of proprietary authentication backed with $5M Insurance Coverage.

Remember, security measures should be proactive, versatile, and meticulously applied to ensure the utmost protection of your digital assets and online interactions.